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  • Writer's picturealicecolton

Social Isolation Week 2: A new normal

I am amazed at how quickly this is all becoming normal to me. Before isolation, the thought of being stuck inside for weeks inside panicked me. I don’t like being stuck. I made a word for it, situational claustrophobia. I do not mind being in a small space, hell I climbed into a gym locker a few weeks ago. What scares me is being stuck in a situation.

I used to get very homesick, I was scared of getting anxious when I was trapped away from home. I also used to have crippling OCD that centred around me performing rituals to prevent myself being sick, so I hated being stuck on a bus or in an exam hall - as these are situations I can not immediately flee from.

Nowadays homesickness is not a problem for me, and thankfully I do not live in constant fear of blowing chunks. But I do like my independence. I love my solitary 30 minutes walk to University and going to the gym. So the thought of being trapped inside my house terrified me.

Luckily however I am at home, and not my student house, so I have a garden and a spacious house. I have also been able to create new routines. Instead of going to a gym, I have been using the Nike Fitness App to either work-out in the garden or in the conservatory, I still have my to-do lists and I keep in regular digital contact with my family and friends after I have finished all of my University work for the day.

All in all, it is going pretty well, of course, I am upset that I am probably not going to Australia this summer as I planned to and My Chemical Romance will likely be cancelled. But I am so lucky, and so is my household. So I am thankful for this as I know that a lot of people are not - my own sister and dad are both working in the NHS.

My new isolation essentials: - homemade scones

- the glee 'I say a little prayer' dance

- how I met your mother

- talcum powder (for my day 5 hair)

- badminton rackets and shuttlecocks

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